Monday, July 14, 2008

23 Things Overview

My favorite part of the 23Things exercise, to be totally honest, was exploring and learning more about YouTube, as it was the most fun assignment and one that we might use to reach people who don't use the library. I learned about a few features I hadn't known about, such as the channels and message capability.
Zoho Wiki was the most surprising and perhaps the most interesting of the Web 2.0 sites that I
visited and would provide a handy way for collaborating on a system-wide project with mutiple participants. One of the people at GB has already used it to gather suggestions for activites for his stay-at-home vacation.
I don't believe that 23Things has changed my lifelong learning goals. I have always wanted to continue to learn the newest developments. It has helped teach has taught me about tools like blogs, YouTube and ZuloWiki that I very well might be using in my life-long learning journey.
Flickr was one of the bigge surprises, as i didn't know it was so feature rich, with additions such as maps, items you can have made, and the comments you can add on your photos. I have a hunch I'll be spending time on it.
As far as what could be done better next time, I'd allow for more time. It definately took many people more than the alloted 90 minutes a week to finish. I also would redo the Technorati discovery to somehow make the site easier to understand. I believe it was a worthwhile project, though, and am glad PBCLS offered it.

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